Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 HSA Fall U6-U12 Season tournament for the age group.
Coed Under 6-Fall-1pm 14 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Highline Soccer Club
HSC C19 Little Sounders (Cuko)
n/a   Vladimir Cuko
 A2 Highline Soccer Club
HSC C19 Heat (McNamara)
n/a   Lisa McNamara
 A3 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Anito
n/a   Mary Anito
 A4 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Ast Bernhard
n/a   n/a
 A5 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Brasher
n/a   Vann Brasher
 A6 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Thunder
n/a   Joel Coffey
 A7 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Lightning Bolts
n/a   Kristofer Eberle
 A8 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - West Seattle Waves
n/a   John Fluke
 A9 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Goodwin
n/a   Jeffrey Goodwin
 A10 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Firehawks
n/a   Jesse Phillips-Kress
 A11 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Timmermann/Carlson
n/a   Dean Timmermann
 A12 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Torres
n/a   n/a
 A13 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Truhn/Clark
n/a   Melanie Truhn
 A14 West Seattle Soccer Club
WS U6 - Vytlacil/Webb
n/a   Ryan Vytlacil